First, check to see that your PDF is in a suitable format.
Then navigate to the Create Bank Page, click “PDF” and follow the steps to choose your PDF format then upload.
Premium users have the option of labelling PDFs with radio buttons and a fixed format.
First, examine your excel sheet to see if the data is in the rows or columns. If each question is on a separate row, locate the individual columns (lettered) which the question, options, answer and explanation (optional) are in and vice versa. Take note of the letters/numbers that correspond to the question, options, answer and explanation you can now.
Then, navigate to the Create New Bank page, click “Excel” and enter the letters or numbers that correspond to the question, options, answer and explanation (optional). If your questions are not on the first sheet of the excel document, you will need to enter the name of the sheet. If your first row/column contains headers you will need to tick the appropriate checkbox on the form.
Once the upload is successful you should be redirected to your new question bank.
A QBNK (.qbnk) file is a compressed backup of a question bank made at It contains a question bank which was previously made/uploaded/edited by a user and may also contain images.
First navigate to the Create New Bank page, click “From Backup”, select your file, choose a name and hit submit. Once a valid QBNK file was selected you should be redirected to your new question bank.
First navigate to the Create New Bank page, click “Manually”, enter a unique name for your bank and select how many questions and the number of options per question that you want to be pre-added for you.
You’ll then be redirected to a page with blank questions. You can now fill in the questions, options and explanations (optional). You can also format your questions and explanations using markdown, and add external links to pictures or upload your own.
Banks created by any method can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon on the Mange Banks page or on each bank’s individual page.
To backup your bank, navigate to the bank’s individual page from the Manage Banks page, and then click on the download icon under the bank’s name. You’ll then be presented with the option to include images (larger backup) or not.
The number of backups that you can make per day is the same as the number as banks that your plan allows.
There isn’t a limit to how many banks you can delete but you can only have the maximum number of banks allowed for your plan at a time.
You can delete some of the banks that you have already finished to make room for new ones.
You can free up attempts by deleting previous attempts from individual banks.
First, navigate to settings/#billing and click “Unsubscribe”.
From there you will be redirected to Paypal’s recurring payments page where you will be able to cancel your subscription to Qbank.
When you navigate back to settings/#billing you will be presented with the option of subscribing to a new plan. Any applicable discount for the time that was remaining on your previous subscription will be factored in.
Please note: there is no reimbursement for switching from a yearly to monthly plan, be very mindful of this when choosing to change your plan.
When you share your referral code and a person uses it to sign up, you get a credit worth 5% of the user's first purchase. This purchase can happen at sign up or after a trial period.
When your credits exceed $20 a 'cash out' button will appear and you will be able to let us know where you want your payment to be sent.
Your referral code entitles users to a 20% discount when they sign up.
Email: FnhmKSepAenquit\sdRClwbrbIJVCUgMGiesVsEXambYJ@h_KTrh\HimiPC_AqTfrvppotraiArJkbt\_innW[kbUQG].NYqbgCFAhcom