A growing body of data shows that consistent and varied practice leads to increased memory retention. Being able to generate and practice with exam style questions means better perfomance on test day and less test taking anxiety.
Our question generation feature allows you to create enough questions to facilitate evidence based learning techniques such as spaced repetition and retrieval practice. You'll never be left wanting for practice questions again!
You have full control over every aspect of the questions that you create. Decide the length, difficulty, tone and clarity. You can always rest assured that you've covered every inch of the syllabus.
The world is in an information boom. Our knowledge base is expanding daily and this means that learning tools need to be more adaptable than ever before. Using the question generation tool means that when information changes, updating questions is as easy as updating a table.
Create a question bank from scratch. Add pictures, tables and format text.
Upload a pdf containing a question bank that you previously made.
Restore a backup from a previous account or a friend.
Upload questions from any spreadsheet, just tell us where everything is.
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